
Neverwinter Nights 2
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Author:  Aethan [ Fri Dec 05, 2014 7:42 am ]
Post subject:  Neverwinter Nights 2

Hey folks, I know our mod is utterly dead these days. I haven't spotted a login in a looong while, and the forums are void of RP posts in the last couple months as well.

I was feeling nostalgic, and started doing a bit of research. I found a new PW, set in the Forgotten Realms, that is VERY popular and active!

Last night, during my initial login after updating etc, there were 60 people on the server! It is a pretty RP heavy place, with lots to do. Not sure if I will stick to it, but I am giving it an honest try. I haven't seen the server up with less than 15 people online even in off hours. Would be awesome to see some WoC folks there!

The activity is like WoC in its prome, years ago now, when we had two servers with 20-30 people on each during prime hours.

It is called Baldur's Gate: The Sword Coast Chronicles. Give it a google if ya want, seem to be some very nice and cool people around.

Author:  Serak [ Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Neverwinter Nights 2

You still play on there? I've given it a go before but seemed hella laggy for me.

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